Spring is a time of renewal and fresh starts, and also the theme of this month’s issue. We start with Book of the Month, Create Your Life Book by Tamar LaPorte. This book encourages growth with an excerpt that focuses on conquering your blocks and fears. Dary Cabrera also tackles the topic of your inner critic. Get 30% off this title with our exclusive code: CPM421 from Quarto at http://bit.ly/3rhhMjN . Rosalind Batty helps you learn to be an overcomer by example and we asked our readers what words of encouragement they would give to an artist that just wanted to quit. Last on this topic, Kathy FS shares how she finally learned to work independently after first learning from others.
If you purchased the print issue, you would have found one of the brand new Holbein Artists’ Colored Pencils, now available in the USA! Look for your red, yellow, or blue pencil – perfect for our new Primary Pencil Challenge. Learn more about Holbein and these pencils in our Spotlight section, then visit our website to learn how you can win one of five sets!
Read our article on Creating Colors to help you understand how to mix primaries to get any shade using a color wheel.
I am a huge fan of Amy Shulke from Vanilla Arts and am always excited when she does a workshop and know you will have a great time creating her yummy Cherry Danish piece! Download all line art and photo here.
Speaking of yummy – our featured artist Courtney Welch’s work is so sugary sweet and soothing; it will surely bring you joy as you learn more about her artistic journey.
Thank you to Jerry’s Artarama for sponsoring the Primary Pencil Challenge. You have three months to complete and enter to win some of the $1,300.00 in prizes! www.coloredpencilmag.com/challenge
A few notes. I’m sad to say that with International shipping prices always on the rise, we can only offer monthly subscriptions, effective immediately. If you have a current subscription, there is nothing you need to do, but you will no longer be able to renew at an annual rate, as we cannot be sure that the price will not fall below our costs. This change will affect Canadian and Worldwide subscriptions. USA subscriptions will remain the same.
We appreciate you! When you purchase a magazine, store item, or Grizaye kit, it helps support this publication, allowing us to continue to bring you the best in colored pencil news and art.
Sally Robertson

Thank you to this month’s sponsors:
Blick Art Materials | Crescent Cardboard Company, L.L.C
Holbein Art Materials Inc
Jerry’s Artarama | Quarto Publishing