Best of Show
“Our Lady of the River” 13×20.4”
Michael Freeman
Judge’s Notes: “This piece demonstrates the power of subtlety in art. Every worn, white-washed board is rendered with care, as is each delicate blade of grass. The discipline in capturing the fine details of the clouds, softly drifting across the light blue sky and merging into the misty background, evokes a profound sense of melancholy that lingers with the viewer. For Best of Show, this artwork embodies everything art should be—perfect in composition, color, and emotion.”

1st Place
“Persephone” 45×64cm
Verity Clark
Judge’s Notes: “This subject radiates an angelic quality in a classical style, but it’s the artist’s remarkable rendering prowess that truly stands out. Verity masterfully translates the varied textures of wicker, fabric, hair, and grass, all beautifully illuminated by sunlight, elevating the technical challenge of this piece to new heights.”

2nd Place
“Stormy Surf at Ventura Pier” 12×34”
Phillip Zubiate
Judge’s Notes: “The wind in this image is almost audible, as the crashing waves in tones of blues and greens, the creaking pier, and the waving flag create a vivid sensory experience. Each element is handled exquisitely, with such attention to detail that it invites the viewer to discover new stories hidden within, revealing more with each glance.”

3rd Place
“Take Me Back” 26.5×40cm
Francesca Comparin
Judge’s Notes: “The polished technique that Francesca has developed to create skin tones is so impressive and convincing that I cannot see any signs that this is colored pencil. The smooth transition of shadow and lights bouncing across this portrait is quite mesmerizing, and it leaves me asking, “How?!”

4th Place
“Take Me Back” 2.5×40cm
Vera Evseeva
Judge’s Notes: “Water is notoriously difficult to capture in art due to its ever-changing nature, yet Vera masterfully handles its tonal shifts between darks and brights. She skillfully adapts to the form water takes – whether drops or pools – and how it interacts with its surroundings. The wetness of the frogs and the translucent lily petals illuminated by sunlight made this piece a stand-out.”

Honorable Mention
“Cryptic Coloration” 18×24″
Jessica Siegel

Honorable Mention
“Leaves and Reflections” 10×14″
Oksana Zavidij

Honorable Mention
“Fairy Cottage” 42x30cm
Kevin Rogers

Honorable Mention
“The Search” 18×24″
Miranda Heward

Honorable Mention
“59 Cadillac El Dorado” 21×14″
John Guiseppi

Honorable Mention
“Ghost 50×70cm”
Ami Schutz

Honorable Mention
“A Well Worn Friend” 9×12”
Meg Merry

Random Winner
“Crane Simplicity” 9×11″
Karol Pomplin
Tip: Entries are in random order with each refresh. Use CTL+F (CMD+F) to search for a name.
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