Selfie 2020 Art Challenge #2104
$1,300 in Prizes!
Random Prize: 120 Set of Cezanne
Advanced Prize: $500 | Intermediate Prize: $400 | Beginner Prize: $300
Jerry’s Artarama eGift Card
CLOSED: 04/01/21
Using your own style and at least 80% colored pencils, create a self-portrait in 2021. Open to all ages with a limit of 3 unique submissions per artist. Ownership and work of submitted work must be your own and be family-friendly. Photo editing software is limited to color and lighting adjustments only to replicate the original as closely as possible.
Free to enter for all ages worldwide! Submit an image of your finished artwork to our Flickr page for a chance to win. Include your name, challenge, title (optional), size, materials used, and category. www.flickr.com/groups/cpmchallenge
eGift Card Prizes
Advanced: $500.00
Intermediate: $400.00
Beginner: $300.00
eGift cards are redeemable online only and are not transferable.
BONUS: 120 piece Cezanne Premium Colored Pencil Tin Set ($119 value)
To enter the random drawing, share & tag on your social media pages (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter):
#cpmchallenge @jerrysartarama
- Open internationally to all ages. Parental consent may be required to claim prizes.
- Self-portrait must be created after 12/15/20 to qualify.
- Photo reference (if used) must be of the submitting artist.
- If the reference photo(s) are not taken by the submitting artist, then written permission from the photographer must be available upon request. Artist acknowledges the rights to use before submitting. (Photographer Release Example)
- Artwork must include challenge name, artist name, and qualifying category.
- Artwork must be 80% colored pencil*. 20% can be any other medium. *Note: Our definition of colored pencil in its simplest form is 1) it must be a pencil and 2) it must be pigmented. This means we include pastel, ink, watercolor, wax, and oil-based pencils! This does NOT include chalks or sticks.
- Limited to 3 original entries per artist. No work-in-progress or crops are permitted as extras.
- Posted work must be family-friendly – no nudity or vulgarity. Entries we deem in violation will be deleted at our discretion without notice.
- Artwork must be uploaded and posted to our group page by the deadline listed (Midnight, Eastern Time).
- Images must represent the actual artwork as much as possible. Photoshop usage must be limited to color corrections to match original work and cannot be used for manipulations, clean-up, or modifications of your artwork. You cannot work directly on a photocopy or grisaille image! Line transfers (tracing onto your own paper), however, is acceptable. Any submissions in question will be required to show work-in-progress images to satisfy our judges.
- We prefer that you post the size and materials used and any other details you’d like to share. If entry is brought into question, we may require more information about your artwork, including materials and methods used.
- Winners are contacted via their submitted Flickr account through a private message. To claim your prize, winners have 7 days to submit a non-watermarked, high resolution (300 ppi) image along with name and email for the prize to be sent to.
- Prize-winning artists are eliminated from the random drawing. However, artists who are Honorable Mentions are still included in the random pool.
- You can only win one time in the Beginner and Intermediate Categories before being bumped to the next level.
- Once you enter in a category, you cannot go back to a lower one.
- By uploading your artwork to our Flickr page, you are agreeing to our terms of service below. We reserve the right to remove files from our page without prior notice.
Advanced Category (One or more of the following.)
You have –
• Made money from your artwork.
• Received high accolades, recognition, or awards for your colored pencil artwork.
• Instructed others. (In publications, blogs, video, or art classes.)
• Won an Intermediate Challenge.
• An art degree or extensive art instruction.
Intermediate Category (One of more of the following.)
You have –
• At least 2-years of experience with colored pencils.
• Limited art instruction.
• Won a Beginner Challenge.
• Risen to this level.
Beginner Category (Not qualified for other categories.)
Judging is done by the COLORED PENCIL Staff. First, we look at drawing and rendering skills including proportion, values, and hues. Then we consider composition and creativity.
Note that your screen may look different depending on the version and device on which you are viewing.
Step 1. Make sure that you have a Flickr account. You will not be able to submit or view all images without doing this.
Step 2. Click on the Cloud with Arrow, located on the top black bar (to the right next to the bell), to Upload an image to your Photostream.
Step 3. Add a TITLE in the description, plus your NAME and the CATAGORY in which you are entering.
Step 4. Be sure that your image is set to VIEWING PRIVACY = PUBLIC.
Step 5. Select “Add to group” on the right side and Search CPM Art Challenge or Go to our group page www.flickr.com/groups/cpmchallenge or select “Add Photo” to the Photo Pool.
You are done! We will add a confirmation with a thank you message, right before judging begins.
View winners at www.coloredpencilmag.com/challenge
Limited Use Copyright Release & Agreement
By submitting your art to the COLORED PENCIL Magazine Art Challenge and uploading it to our Flickr page, you are acknowledging that you have read, understood, and accept the following terms and conditions.
You acknowledge that you are the copyright holder of artwork submitted and agree to assign non-exclusive rights to the publisher for reproduction in COLORED PENCIL Magazine, related publications, and for possible use in marketing material associated with this publication at the publisher’s discretion. The artist warrants that all information supplied is current and accurate. Furthermore, the artist/author indemnifies the publisher against any claims from any party that may arise from the publication of images and materials submitted.
Other than the assignment of the necessary rights, the publisher does not acquire, nor assume responsibility for, any other rights.
Print this page for your records. Changes may be made without notice.