Welcome back! The incredible cover art belongs to our Australian Featured Artist, Danielle Robertson. Enjoy
viewing her centerfold gallery and learning more about how she went from graphic designer to fine artist.
Starting this issue is a fun look at Hannah Lipsey’s shiny objects that she meticulously hunts down to draw.
Next, learn about the differences between wax- and oil-based pencils from Mandy Peltier, and then discover how creating a balance of both went into making the Grizaye Velvet Touch Colored Pencils. Try them for yourself with a free sample
in the print version, and then get a free pencil wrap (as seen below) when you purchase the 72pc set thru September! Learn More Here!
The Quarto book of the month is The Art of the Travel Journal by Abbey Sy. This excerpt explains the benefits of
keeping a journal and how to get started. Inspired by her own travels is artist Amy Miles, whose art depicts items that
catch her attention on the road, anything from a simple napkin to an opened can – there are no rules.
On our Facebook page, we asked you to share your stories of meeting an art friend. We are delighted to celebrate them
with you as we learn how artistic passions can forge meaningful relationships.
If you are looking for a simple art exercise this month, try drawing the single cherry on black paper by Ieva Strauta.
Last, we give you a quick guide to international “A” series paper sizes. Find out the history and why you need this
handy chart, even if you are in America.
A final reminder that this is your last month to get your artwork submitted to the 2023 Art Competition to win big prizes from Blick Art Materials, Caran d’Ache, and Legion Paper. The deadline is October 1st. If you are a subscriber, you get one free entry. Have your art seen in the gallery all year long, and if you think you can’t compete for top placement, you can still win the random prize! www.coloredpencilmag.com/competition
Thank you for your ongoing support!
Sally Robertson

Thank you to this month’s sponsors: