Happy fall, y’all! This southern saying is growing on me, and I am excited to usher in autumn with all the vibrancy it brings. We have an inspirational cover from our featured artist, Deborah Friedman, whose art exudes this time of year with her connection to items we typically ignore that are right at our feet.
We start with providing the 2023 prompt list for Inktober. It’s also a great time to get out your Inktense pencils or explore some mixed media.
Anastasiia Monozova’s article on sketching the beauty of nature will encourage you to take some time to study and draw those small wonders around you.
Being aware of negative space is something that Jessica Tenbusch is excited to share with you. Then, check out the excerpt from Colored Pencil Step by Step from Sylvester Hickmon on creating drama with contrast using his apple artwork as an example. One subscriber will win this book or buy it right from Quarto – the link is on the page.
Also, to further get you into Halloween mode, we included an article by Annemieke de Wit, an expert on rendering birds of prey as we focus on vultures.
Faber-Castell’s Black Edition colored pencils are the perfect addition to this October issue and are a must for those who work on black paper. Learn how you can win this set and more at www.coloredpencilmag.com/giveaway.
Let’s have some more trick-or-treat fun by getting together on our FACEBOOK PAGE on Friday the 13th to play games and win awesome art stuff from Jerry’s Artarama. We always have a blast, so don’t miss out.
Happy Halloween!

Thank you to this month’s sponsors:
Blick Art Materials | Grizaye Art | Jerry’s Artarama | Quarto Publishing | Winsor & Newton