October is always a magical month and a chance to bring out some special artists and their work. We start with the magical equines of Satu Manninen. She makes you realize how beautiful a green horse or a butterfly-winged colt can be. Learn some of her favorite ways to add that pixie dust to her pieces.
Keeping with this theme we give you a fun tutorial from Quarto’s The Little Book of Drawing Dragons & Fantasy Characters on how to create a Pegasus using colored pencils and markers.
Of course, our Featured Artist always sets the theme and Tran Nguyen’s beautiful fantasy pieces will whisk you away to another world. It is so interesting to see how well colored pencils work with acrylic and really makes you realize just how special this medium is! Read about her humble beginnings and what’s next for this amazing artist.
In the Spotlight this month is the POSCA Pencils, from the makers of the super popular POSCA pens. I was intrigued with how these pencils can be used on so many surfaces and how they can layer lights on darks. See if they are something you’d like to purchase after learning more.
Owls are synonymous with so many things, but we think they really bring out the feeling of autumn, and we are thrilled to show you the work of Elyzabeth LaRoche as she also gives you her tips on drawing feathers.
Sema Martin is here to help you select the best paper for colored pencils. Read what you should be considering before you purchase and what will work best for your art.
I hope you have been enjoying these workshops and if you haven’t followed along yet – this is the key to get you hooked. Anubhav Gangwar is known for his super realistic single items and has created this rusted key just for you!
For another fun art project, pick up the brand new Goldfinch Pair Grizaye Drawing Kit. You will enjoy creating these gorgeous birds, and it would make a great gift when you are done. See all the kits at www.grizaye.com.
I have been a huge fan of Artograph since I was a teenager buying my first art projector. Their products are of such high quality that now, over 30 years later, I still have mine in perfect condition! So of course I was thrilled when they agreed to give away their brand new Featherweight LightPad, a must for any artist. Take a moment to sign up to win it at www.coloredpencilmag.com/giveaways. Bookmark this page as we have new items to win monthly. Good luck!
Happy Halloween – no tricks, just treats!

Thank you to this month’s sponsors: